Meat Processing Hub
The vermicast pilot project at Restoration Oaks Ranch demonstrates how environmental regeneration can improve soil health and help us reach climate goals.
The vermicast pilot project at Restoration Oaks Ranch demonstrates how environmental regeneration can improve soil health and help us reach climate goals.
Santa Barbara County producers must travel hundreds of miles to process meat outside the county.
SBCFAN partnered with documentary maker Isaac Hernandez of Mercury Press and photographer Andrew Hill of PHAROS Creative to visit Ebby’s Farm and learn more about their challenges. Owner Mike Iñiguez and his protege, Niloofar Borojerdian met with Isaac and Andrew,…
According to the California Health and Safety Code, all food vendors are required to operate out of a facility approved by Environmental Health Services. This form is to be completed and submitted to Environmental Health Services for review and approval…
Following the Temporary Food Facility (TFF) Guidelines, Santa Barbara County will assist food facility Organizers and Operators in providing safe food to the public by meeting the minimum standards of the State Health Code.
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