Future plans for activation:
In 2022, the Somos Semillas Garden Collective will launch a comprehensive composting and education program that will coordinate with other composting sites to lay the groundwork for a countywide model for diverting food waste from the landfill and contributing to climate goals.
El Centro hopes the Somos Semillas Garden will bloom into a cooperative and replicable model for community gardens throughout Santa Barbara County.
- “This community-led project sought out leadership from those most excluded from the food system in Santa Barbara and provided food access and food sovereignty through the garden. Our success is built on the fact that people are showing up and want to take on leadership roles, which has led to other kinds of member investment.”
- “We advocate for what the community wants. Being able to stipend people has allowed a lot of leverage for growth to happen and community voices to be advocates for the design process and development of the garden.”
- “There is so much abundance of food in this region, but the diversity of people that have access to the food has not been reflected.”
- “This grassroots project has led to skill building, learning, community, and intergenerational connection.”