Integrate Food Literacy into Schools
Integrate food literacy into all school campus cultures—including in-school and out-of-school programs—throughout Santa Barbara County.
Investing in our health and wellness means equipping all Santa Barbara County residents with access to the necessary resources — from support services to education — to be healthy and productive individuals. One way we can achieve this is by becoming a ‘food smart’ community through improving food literacy.
Let’s Get to Work!
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Want to collaborate on a project to activate this Food Action Plan goal? Propose a Working Group with three or more members and SBCFAN will help you get started – or request to join an existing one. Learn more about Working Groups.
Discussions that are currently activated
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Want to start a new discussion?
Propose a new discussion topic relevant to this Food Action Plan goal by filling out this form.
Working Groups that are currently activated
Working Groups bring together a minimum of three individuals from across the food system to collaborate on projects with objectives that activate one or more Food Action Plan goals. Click on a Working Group to learn more and request invitation:
There are currently no Working Groups in this Goal.
Want to propose a new Working Group?
Propose a new Working Group that activates one or more of the Food Action Plan goals by filling out this form: