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Learn more about what’s happening across our food system – from storytelling videos to recordings of past webinars, you’ll see why when we connect, align, and activate, a more resilient food system is within our reach. Join us and let’s continue this critical work!

SBCFAN: Food System Stories and Solutions

The Endangered Farmer: Why land, water, and labor are critical to preserving regional food systems

Stewarding Indigenous Plants at the Chumash Tribal Nursery

Cows rebuilding the soil at Las Cumbres Ranch

Dry-Farming at Condor's Hope

Blue Sky Center Victory Gardens Project in Cuyama

Jujube trees thrive in the high desert at Rock Front Ranch

Cuyama Homegrown: preserving the harvest in a food desert

Empowering community at El Centro Santa Barbara

Building food resilience with Sweet Wheel Farm

Growing pumpkins and food system leaders at The Patch

Farmer Interviews

Interview with Jeronimo Alonso Brown, Casitas Valley Pastures

Interview with Mary Gonzalez, Sweet Mountaintop Farm

Interview with Tom Shepherd, Shepherd Farms

Interview with Boomer, Santa Barbara Pistachio Company

Interview with Melissa Sorongon, Piedrasassi Wine & Bread

Interview with Tessa and Robert Abbott, Hilltop & Canyon Organic Farms

Interview with Miguel and Lorena Iniguez, Ebby’s Organic Farm

Interview with Deanna King, Cosecha Farming

Interview with Mark Makela, California Coast Naturals

Interview with Aldo Chavez, Chavez Family Farms

Interview with Nancy Bertelson, Bertelson’s Backyard

About the Santa Barbara County Food Action Network

Introducing the SB County Food Action Network (SBCFAN)

Join the Network - Become a member today!

Webinars and Events

Local Farms & Local Food - SBCFAN Community Food & Farming Discussion Series

Granjas Locales y Alimentos Locales:

Food Sovereignty & Food Justice - SBCFAN Community Food & Farming Discussion Series

Soberanía alimentaria y justicia alimentaria

Food Access & Food Security - SBCFAN Community Food & Farming Discussion Series

Acceso a los alimentos y seguridad alimentaria

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