Future Plans for activation:
The Victory Gardens Project Report will be released in December 2021 and their group intends to align with the Cuyama Valley Food Action Network Working Group.
- “We asked ourselves: how do we build a vibrant food system in the Cuyama Valley? Currently, we don’t have a grocery store. This initiative along with the Cuyama Buckhorn partnership became part of the solution.”
- “I think 2020 was really debilitating but it also catalyzed the food system. Suddenly, a place that did not have a food system has one.”
- “Resulted in the establishment of a local garden-to-table system that provided an immersive educational opportunity for families, empowering them to find food security within their own backyards.”
- “Created a supportive network for participating families that facilitated information sharing, ensuring the success of each family’s garden and providing a sense of community during the onset of the pandemic.”
— excerpts from conversation with Sandra Urebe about the project